Love life, love challenge, make difference, change the world-by Ricky Li

Archive for 5月, 2011

World’s Top Ten Most Expensive Domain Names

For over half a decade, reigned as the world’s most expensive domain name after its 1999 sale for $7.5 million. That was shortly after the site was founded by former Walt Disney Internet Group chairman Jake Winebaum and Earthlink founder Sky Dayton. The domain retained its record until 2006, when founder Gary Kremen decided to get out of the adult entertainment industry and sold for $14 million (or $12 million, depending on who you ask) in 2006.

While the current market for internet domains is nowhere as solid as it was during the dot-com peak, the market remains strong and is experiencing solid growth. Each year tens of millions of dollars are exchanged during the resale of domains.

The record for most expensive domain name ever sold changed hands again in late 2009, when internet marketing firm QuinStreet purchased for $16 million. Other top dollar domain sales of 2009 include, purchased by Toys ‘R Us for $5.1 million in March of 2009, and, sold for $3 million in June of 2009.

Enough with the preamble, though—check out the world’s top ten most expensive domain names:

1., sold to QuinStreet for $16 million in 2009.
2., sold for $12-$14 million in 2006.
3., sold for $9.99 million in 2008.
4., sold for $9.5 million in 2007.
5., sold for $7.5 million in 1999.
6., sold to for $7.5 million in 2006.
7., sold for $7 million in 2004.
8., sold for $5.88 million in 2004.
9., sold for $5.5 million in 2003.