Love life, love challenge, make difference, change the world-by Ricky Li

Archive for 4月 16, 2011

Data Register数据寄存器

  8086 有14个16位寄存器,这14个寄存器按其用途可分为(1)通用寄存器、(2)指令指针、(3)标志寄存器和(4)段寄存器等4类。
  (1)通用寄存器有8个, 又可以分成2组,一组是数据寄存器(4个),另一组是指针寄存器及变址寄存器(4个).
  他们的特点是,这4个16位的寄存器可以分为高8位: AH, BH, CH, DH.以及低八位:AL,BL,CL,DL。这2组8位寄存器可以分别寻址,并单独使用。
  SP(Stack Pointer):堆栈指针,与SS配合使用,可指向目前的堆栈位置;
  BP(Base Pointer):基址指针寄存器,可用作SS的一个相对基址位置;
  SI(Source Index):源变址寄存器可用来存放相对于DS段之源变址指针;
  DI(Destination Index):目的变址寄存器,可用来存放相对于 ES 段之目的变址指针。
(2) 指令指针IP(Instruction Pointer)
  指令指针IP是一个16位专用寄存器,它指向当前需要取出的指令字节,当BIU从内存中取出一个指令字节后,IP就自动加1,指向下一个指令字节。注意,IP指向的是指令地址的段内地址偏移量,又称偏移地址(Offset Address)或有效地址(EA,Effective Address)。
  (3)标志寄存器FR(Flag Register)
  OF: 溢出标志位OF用于反映有符号数加减运算所得结果是否溢出。如果运算结果超过当前运算位数所能表示的范围,则称为溢出,OF的值被置为1,否则,OF的值被清为0。
  ZF: 零标志ZF用来反映运算结果是否为0。如果运算结果为0,则其值为1,否则其值为0。在判断运算结果是否为0时,可使用此标志位。
  4)段寄存器(Segment Register)
  CS(Code Segment):代码段寄存器;
  DS(Data Segment):数据段寄存器;
  SS(Stack Segment):堆栈段寄存器;
  ES(Extra Segment):附加段寄存器。
  当一个程序要执行时,就要决定程序代码、数据和堆栈各要用到内存的哪些位置,通过设定段寄存器 CS,DS,SS 来指向这些起始位置。通常是将DS固定,而根据需要修改CS。所以,程序可以在可寻址空间小于64K的情况下被写成任意大小。 所以,程序和其数据组合起来的大小,限制在DS 所指的64K内,这就是COM文件不得大于64K的原因。8086以内存做为战场,用寄存器做为军事基地,以加速工作。
  以上是8086寄存器的整体概况, 自80386开始,PC进入32bit时代,其寻址方式,寄存器大小,功能等都发生了变化。

Amazing Chinglish

Chinglish is commonly seen in China. You could see it everywhere on the local restaurants’ menus, street signs and notices and so on. Many foreigners find it quite amusing. As a Chinese, I am expecting we could get rid of those ridiculous Chinese to English transliterations but some smart translations could be preserved as a sort of culture and I hope they could be categorized as Chinese English in some day. I have collected some Chinglish as below from the Internet. We should definitely avoid such translation errors.

And here are some examples that I think could be accepted as Chinese English just like Long time no see 好(hǎo)久(jiǔ)不(bú)见(jiàn).

Chinese: 你(nǐ)有(yǒu)种(zhǒng),我(wǒ)要(yào)给(gěi)你(nǐ)点(diǎn)颜(yán)色(sè)瞧(qiáo)瞧(qiáo)!
Chinese English: You have the courage to challenge me. I will give you some color to see.
I will give you some color to see means I am going to teach you a lesson.

Chinese: 好(hǎo)好(hào)学(xué)习(xí),天(tiān)天(tiān)向(xiàng)上(shàng)
Chinese English:Good good study, day day up.
Good good study, day day up means study hard and you will improve everyday.

Chinese: 人(rén)山(shān)人(rén)海(hǎi)
Chinese English: People mountain people sea
People mountain people sea means crowds of people.

And these days has seen more and more Chinese pinyin being put into the English vocabulary list as China is more open to the western world. For example, 城(chéng)管(guǎn) (officials from China’s City Urban Administrative Enforcement Bureaus) is directly translated as chengguan. And kongfu 功(gōng)夫(fu), mantou 馒(mán)头(tóu)and jiaozi 饺(jiǎo)子(zi) are frequently used among native speakers. Apart from these, the smart Chinese netizens also have created some Chinese English words such as niubility, zhuangbility, shability, erbility, gelivable and ungelivable, some of which have been listed on the Urban Dictionary. The following sentence is very popular among the Chinese internet users: Many people think they are full of niubility and like to play zhuangbility, which only reflect their shability and erbility.

Below are the definitions of niubility, zhuangbility, shability on the Urban Dictionary.


Gelivable and ungelivable are two adjectives of opposite meaning. Gelivable derives from 给(gěi)力(lì) which could be transliterated as “give power”. It describes the gap between reality and the ideal. If they are the same, you can say “gelivable”. If not, it is “ungelivable”. When I feel disappointed, I can say that’s so ungelivable! It is such fun. I hope more and more words like these could be created in the future and be a part of English vocabulary.

Start a project to support Mencap

Mencap Liverpool is a local charity organization,they are voice of learning disability people.

I have a amazing plan this summer holiday, cycling around Britain. This is a proximal challenge activity and I want do this as a charity project.

On April 15th, I attended the Mencap’s morning coffee and tell my plan to them. Thank sarah Jones, the executed chief of Mencap, for helping and support me. With sarah’s suggestion, I created a fundraising page on Virgin money give and get online donation.